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Quality and experience at your service


EMBOTITS CALET, S.L. appears in the market as a solution to some needs that have been found out after years of experience. EMBOTITS CALET, S.L. is a family company with several generations working with “cold meat products” - charcutería, and with a big experience in the market, specially in the international environment.

The main target is the customer satisfaction, based on quality products, and on the experience learned after years working in the sector.
Other determining factors in our company are a large variety of products, innovation and competityveness.

Ideal environment

EMBOTITS CALET, S.L. is located close to Olot (Girona), one of the most important manufacturing places in Spain, referring to cold meat products. So we have an added value concerning to quality, experience and know-how. Olot, capital of La Garrotxa county, is isolated between valleys, close to the Pyrenees. This is a determining factor in getting cured meat, basically coming form pork. This location brings an ideal climatology for the perfect curation of the meats, getting a unique flavour and taste.

Furthermore, Olot is close to the main communication ways, located between Barcelona and the Frech border, so EMBOTITS CALET, S.L. can offer an effective and on-time service to the main customer centers of Europe.

EMBOTITS CALET, S.L., quality and experience at your service.

Carrer del Molí 22, Pol. Ind. Beguda II
17857 Sant Joan Les Fonts - Girona (Spain)
(+34) 972 271 199 -